If you are ordering calculators in bulk (i.e. >$500 worth), or for a school, please download the Order Form and email it to the address at the top of it. You can't edit the form on-line: You need to download it, edit it, then send it to the email address shown at the top of it.
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Examples of laser marking, which can be ordered on the form. Your own logo and school name can be marked on the calculators.
The colour is obtained by chemically changing the existing plastic with a laser to a certain depth, so it can't be sanded off, or removed with a solvent.
It can mark any colour of plastic. Examples are shown below
An example design might be:
Your school name and logo
YYYY = year
MM = Month of purchase
NNN = serial number
This makes determining a purchase date for warranty claims effortless
The price on the order form is per calculator and it includes marking on the calculator itself, and again on its cover
I can provide a free solution to discourage the stealing of batteries from calculators. This does not involve taping the battery cover. Please use the Contact page if you want to know more.